Remember when we used to try one new thing after the next and didn’t think twice about it? Like when we took our first steps, sang the ABC’s, read our first book, rode a bike, played a new sport, or drove around the block? We were excited to learn and motivated by the thought of being able to do something we once weren’t able to do. But at some point during our transition into adulthood, a switch occurred. Now, we find comfort in doing the things we know how to do and hesitate at the opportunity of being a beginner.
I’m on a mission to reignite our affinity for trying new things. This isn’t to say our fears of stepping outside of our comfort zones suddenly will disappear. Instead, I’m trying to remind us of the joys of being a beginner so that when we’re confronted with the chance to try something new, 9 times out of 10, we say heck yes!

The 5 joys of being a beginner
1. Being a beginner gives you the chance to learn something new.
Trying new things has shaped your life since the day you were born. You know what you know now because you chose to be a beginner time and time again. From your favorite workout to the lovely meals you make each night – it’s all because you were brave enough to learn.
By choosing to be a beginner, you’re choosing to learn and grow. You’re practicing courage by being vulnerable enough to say “I don’t know it yet, but I’m willing to start from the beginning. And one day, I’ll have the knowledge and skills that I used to dream of having.”
2. Trying new things encourages you to build your confidence.
The word “yet” opens the doors to learning something new, and in the process, building your confidence. “Yet” invites you to take little, messy action steps. You show up willing to try and learn something new along the way. Then as Mel Robbins shared on Jay Shetty’s Podcast On Purpose, when you learn something new, you remove a little bit of insecurity so that next time you’re invited to try something, it’ll feel a little bit easier.
The more you practice being a beginner and learning new things, the more confidence you build. You show yourself that you’re capable and brave. You can do hard things, you can ask for help, and you’re able to grow.
3. Being a beginner sparks joy.
Think about a time when you felt accomplished, you found a hobby, or you discovered what you want to do in life. I’m almost positive that every one of those experiences stemmed from you being a beginner.
You may not have been the best when you started and you probably made mistakes along the way, but something inside of you lit up. The new experience brought joy into your life and encouraged you to keep trying until one day it became a part of your life.
4. Trying new things builds resilience and encourages you to be compassionate.
There’s nothing quite like the experience of doing something for the first time. Everything feels a little unfamiliar and jitters fill you up. You give yourself a little grace because you’ve never done anything like it and you expect you’ll make a few mistakes. It doesn’t stop you from trying and feeling motivated to dedicate the time into learning and growing. And as challenges unfold, you push through them because you understand that each of them are making you that much stronger.
Your perseverance builds your resilience so that when you encounter tough moments, you have the strategy and mental strength to navigate them and keep going.
The more you seek out opportunities to be a beginner, the more they humble you. They remind you that you don’t know everything, and just like everyone else, you experience struggles too. So, when you’re supporting family, friends, coworkers, or acquaintances, you show up for them with compassion. You know what it’s like to start something new. You can sit with them and acknowledge the difficulty while rooting for their success.
5. Being a beginner opens the door to new chapters.
Life is made up of many chapters. Each chapter is filled with its own set of stories and lessons. And as you transition to the next, you experience being a beginner. Whether a relationship ends, you switch to a different career, or you move to another city, you encounter so much newness.
Sure, it can be a little scary – there’s so much uncertainty in being a beginner. Is it going to work out? Are you going to be good at x, y, or z? What happens if it doesn’t work out or you can’t do it? But it’s in that fear or discomfort that you realize you’re headed towards growth.
It’s truly an exciting time – What if you discover a new passion or find success and joy in a new career? What if you fall in love? What if everything works out even better than you could have ever imagined?
Life is full of possibilities. You just need to be willing to give things a try.
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